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How to loss a weight continuously workout

Mostly, people want to lose their weight but they has been failed, now today i will teach u how to lose a weight less than a week.
Eat mostly protein and carbohydrate, low-calorie foods: fish, cheese, fruit and vegetables as raw and heat-treated, cereals, eggs, cheese, and chicken. During the maintenance diet is desirable that the last meal, dinner was over 4 hours to sleep.

For dinner, you can eat only watermelon or watermelon and bread, as in the second, softer version diet. Judging by the reviews of the watermelon diet, weight loss continues at this period, but at a slower pace. Also, due to maintenance diet stabilizes the metabolism, are derived salt deposits, toxins, toxins.

Watermelon diet is better tolerated than many of mono – watermelon filled with fiber, which gives a feeling of fullness in the stomach and allows for a time not to feel hunger. Also a lot of good reviews about the watermelon diet because it gives fast results.

Those who have experienced a diet claim to have 3 days watermelon diet there is a visible decrease in the abdomen and thighs.She plays the role of a cleaning procedure, displays toxins.The disadvantage of diet on watermelons is that you can not apply it to those who suffer from diseases of the urinary tract infection

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